

What to Do


Eating & Drinking

Eating & Drinking

Most fruits and vegetables are grown depending on the season, as locals live and eat depending on the climate. Vegetables found include: Avocado, broccoli, white cabbage, cucumber, chicory, eggplant, long beans, green beans, celery, banana flowers, papaya flower, spinach, carrot, pumpkin, potato, sweet potato, onion, tomato, peas, asparagus and chili. Fruits found include: Mango, orange, banana, avocado, pineapple, coconut, papaya, jambolan fruit, jamun, palm fruit, pomegranate, watermelon, durian and guava. There’s an abundance of fish and seafood as well: Langosta, samaá, cocu, sardine, garota, lalosi, ikanterbang (fly fish), tongkol, lirukoukakatua, garopaou good fish, gasparia, garingkiki, boek, kadiuk and kombo.


Katupa: Local rice organically grown Mambramu rice cooked in a coconut palm leaf. The preparation process starts with scraping the dried coconut meat and washing it to get coconut milk. Then, the rice is tempered with pepper, onion, and salt. Finally, the coconut palm leaves cases are stuffed with the rice and the rest of the ingredients and cooked in a pan with coconut milk.


Utobe: Traditional Atoni dessert usually served at family gatherings. It is a paste made with cassava and coconut meat, to which you can add sugar and water for a sweeter taste. The unique thing about this recipe is that the paste is cooked using the bain-marie process (a container holding hot water into which a pan is placed for slow cooking) using traditional pottery


Ai-manas: Traditional chili sauce from Timor-Leste. There are different ways to prepare the Oé-Cusse’s ai-manas because each family cooks it to their liking, but the standard recipe usually includes chili, onion, garlic, and lemon. The locals use ai-manas to accompany meals. Be careful as some Ai-manas can be very spicy!

Tua Sabu

Drinks: Try the TUA SABU, the local alcoholic beverage created from the sap of the palm tree. It is usually served during family celebrations such as weddings or christenings. Try also a fresh tropical fruit juices made with mango, orange, banana, avocado or pineapple.

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